How NuroKor is Transforming Women’s Health

Electrotherapeutic device for relief of period pain

Solutions for period pain are limited and fail to address unique needs

Period pain affects a significant portion of women globally, impacting their daily activities, work, and educational pursuits. 

Menstrual symptoms reduce the workplace productivity of many American women, with 45.2% reporting that their symptoms require them to take days off, according to a new UVA Health survey

According to a study published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, fifty-one percent of women surveyed reported that their activities had been limited, and 17% reported missing school or work because of PD (Primary Dysmenorrhea). This absenteeism can result in lost productivity and income for affected individuals and their employers.

Despite its prevalence, period pain often remains underappreciated both socially and medically, leading to a lack of serious attention and resources dedicated to understanding and addressing it. The consequence is a substantial impact on women's quality of life, with many feeling their concerns are minimized or ignored.

Existing solutions for managing period pain range from over-the-counter painkillers and prescription medications to hormonal treatments and alternative therapies. However, these options come with various limitations, including potential side effects, accessibility issues, and a one-size-fits-all approach that fails to accommodate the unique experiences and needs of each individual.

A critical gap exists between the needs of women experiencing period pain and the solutions currently available.

NuroKor’s Solution

NuroKor FemTech is developing bioelectronic wearable solutions for underserved conditions affecting female health on a global scale. Their revolutionary multicurrent technology is proven to reduce period pain and even works on other serious conditions such as endometriosis. 

Mihna is the signature electrotherapeutic device from NuroKor Femtech that uses revolutionary bioelectronic technology to address the unmet health need of period pain. Using multiple forms of electrical stimulation, their Mihna product relieves pain and helps tissue recover - addressing the root of pain itself.

How Femovate Helps

NuroKor FemTech was awarded sponsorship through Guidea’s Femovate program for ‘22.

As part of the Femovate sponsorship, designers at Guidea worked closely with the talented Nurokor team to research, design and validate the first version of the Mihna companion app.

For more information about NuroKor, visit and follow them on LinkedIn

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For interviews please contact Theresa Neil

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