How Cosm is Transforming Women’s Health

3D printing More Effective, Well-fitting, Personalized Pessaries

1 in 4 women suffer from a pelvic floor disorder

Pelvic floor health is foundational to women’s wellbeing. A properly functioning pelvic floor enables women to sit, stand, exercise, maintain proper digestion, and control the timing of urination. All of these capabilities are essential for maintaining a reasonable quality of life. As women age, the likelihood of experiencing pelvic floor dysfunction increases. 1 of every 2 women over the age of 80 has trouble with their pelvic floor. 

Yet, the tools available to help women manage symptoms associated with pelvic floor dysfunction are alarmingly limited. Pessaries, devices that can be inserted into the vagina to help offer support, have not been improved upon in decades. They are bought off the shelf with no personalization, despite the vast differences in women's body shapes and needs. 

The use of non-personalized pessaries can be complex and harmful. After one year of use, 50% of women have given up on them, and 56% develop complications such as bleeding, constipation, or severe discharge. A more effective, less damaging solution is long overdue.

The Cosm Medical Solution

Cosm Medical harnesses the power of AI and 3D printing to provide a more effective, well-fitting, personalized device. Acknowledging that every body is different, the Cosm Medical pessary devices, Gynethotics™,  use imaging to create the best shape for each person. Then, a personalized device can be made using 3D printing. 

This process is already used in certain medical settings, such as dental fittings. It can now be used to support women trying to get through their day with minimal interruption and discomfort from pelvic floor dysfunction. 

Cosm Medical has received funding from the Center for Aging Brain Health and Innovation and INOVAIT, has been named one of Toronto’s Medical Device Startups Transforming Healthcare as well as one of the top 15 Mind Blowing Medical Device Startups of Ontario, and was named one of the top 10 Bioprinting innovations of 2023. Cosm Medical also recently received FDA clearance for their gynethotics pessaries.

How Femovate Helps

Cosm was awarded sponsorship through Guidea’s Femovate program for ‘22-’23.

As part of the Femovate sponsorship, the digital health experts at Guidea worked with the Cosm product and engineering teams to refine the patient and provider experience for prescribing, fitting and assessing pessary usage. Starting with the patient journey map, we designed the initial onboarding experience, through the critical 3 month mark when many women stop wearing the prescribed pessary. We tested the new patient experience with women and delivered the detailed designs to the engineering team. Guidea also worked with the Cosm team to update the provider UX and UI and improve the navigation, layout and usability. 

“Great insights and highly professional as digital health and user experience experts.”

- Derrek Sham, Founder Cosm Medical

"Guidea is a true leader in the field of research, design and user experience. From start to finish, they are great collaborators with unmatched in attention to detail, creativity, and focus on the end user. I recommend them to all medtech companies looking for support in user research and product design."

– Product Manager, Cosm Medical

For more information about Cosm Medical, visit and follow them on LinkedIn

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For interviews please contact Theresa Neil

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